What an inspirational story! I’m too old and ill now to qualify for workplace training, for which I am extremely grateful. But three rousing cheers for you, gender critical woman. Reply
” “they” decided to present masculine today to appear more “authoritative”, … ” That in itself tells you a great deal about the movement and its adherents – it’s just sexism, barely repackaged. I’m glad you were cleared of wrong-doing, and well done for speaking up. Reply
The fact she was even accused of wrongdoing is an outrage in itself. Any complaint should have been instantly dismissed as malicious and vexatious. Reply
Well done. The more people speak out against attempts to impose crackpot “trans” theories on the public, the better. Reply
Thank you so much. Your courage is exemplary. We are going through the heartache of seeing our beloved daughter who is also at a Russell Group university, being swept along by the transgender cult. As a child she never expressed any dissatisfaction with being female and until she “came out” at Xmas seemed happy to be a young woman. We can’t talk to her now unless we call her “he/him” which is very hard to maintain. She talks in irrational cultspeak about how we are disrespecting her for being unable to believe this sudden change and accuses us of transphobia. My husband is heartbroken and frequently breaks down in tears. Hard to bear. Reply
Thank you so much for giving us statistically normal people hope for a push back against this totalitarian, intolerant thought control. A safe space means a special privileged space for trans activists. A safe space should instead include everyone but as we all know diversity is a scam term for special rights. I dont want to be anyone’s slave. I have sat in open office environments where LGBTQ people have promoted their ideas with pride and total immunity whilst the rest of us sit in utter fear, with our heads down, frightened of not appearing to cheer them on as if we are caught we knew that a complaint would go straight to HR and our jobs would be on the line. It’s fascism. Reply
There are no such creatures as LGBTQ people. In most cases LGBT(Q)(+) is simply code for “trans” or “people who support the trans delusion”. That ridiculous initialism is used to con people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual into believing that they belong to an imaginary “LGBT(Q)(+) community”, to which they owe allegiance, and that they therefore have a duty to get behind the demands of trans activists. It seems incredible that anyone should fall for that trick, but sadly quite a few seem to have been hoodwinked. Fortunately, more and more people are now waking up to the fact that they’ve been taken for a ride. Reply
I’m from the USA and I commiserate with my UK sisters. This is the 11th Hour and we must act!! “Trans Rights Activists are just Men’s Rights Activists using the tactics of ‘DARVO’: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. We need to disavow ourselves of the idea that “transgenderism” is anything but a men’s rights activist (MRA) agenda using tools of manipulation to present themselves as victims. All the rights being openly fought for by TRAs are men’s rights to violate women’s rights and bodily integrity.’ https://uncommongroundmedia.com/darvo-tactics-mens-rights-activism-transgenderism/ Reply
I salute you ma’am. That takes serious gonads … or ovaries if you’d prefer :). When these fanatics come up against just one person who stands their ground and defeats them, in their experience of blanket, supine surrender, that’s like a 100 defeats to them. Reply