
Manifesto for Police and Crime Commissioners

The recent report that Thames Valley Police had recorded the male murderer Scarlet Blake as female is simply the most recent example where policing has prioritised gender identity over the immutable reality of biological sex.

Whether it is data collection on victims and suspects of crime, communication with the public, allegiance to social activist groups or arresting people for their lawfully expressed views, policing is in thrall to gender identity ideology. There is no force that has escaped this ideological capture.

This is why, in conjunction with Keep Prisons Single Sex, we have launched our Manifesto for Police

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Police strip guidance “not lawful”

We decided to raise money to get advice from King’s Counsel to test the assertion of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) that their guidance on strip searching by trans-identified police officers was ‘legally robust’. We are very grateful to everyone who donated.

We are pleased to note the KC agrees the guidance is NOT lawful in its current form, but we also note that the issue of the Gender Recognition Certificate needs careful thought.

We hope that this sparks some discussion, now that the era of ‘no debate’ is well and truly buried.

We will now write to

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The Captured Prosecution Service

Fair Cop are increasingly concerned by the clear signs of ideological capture of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the independent prosecuting authority for England and Wales.

We will let you know if we get any response to this letter we have sent them and our next steps.

Dear Mr Hill

We are writing to you in our capacity as the founder and member of the campaigning organisation Fair Cop.

We wish to outline our serious concerns that the CPS has been and is being influenced by an ideological faction pertaining to ‘gender identity’. The impression given by the

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The long and winding road

How far into our quest to destroy the nonsense that is ‘perception based’ recording of ‘non crime incidents’ have we got? To continue the metaphor to breaking point, it looks like we have slain the dragon – but the message still hasn’t got down the food chain.

Brief recap: January 2019, Harry Miller has his ‘thinking checked’ by PC Gul over his ‘transphobic tweets’ such as ‘huh?’ and reposting a feminist song lyric. Outraged, he and Rob Jessel meet to form ‘Fair Cop’, to challenge the ‘Hate Crimes Guidance’ that was used by the police to target anyone who

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Non Crime Hate Incitent day 20 May 2023

May 20th is the birthday of John Stuart Mill, English philosopher and author of On Liberty, which was published in 1859 and has remained in print ever since.

Mill was concerned about ‘the tyranny of the majority’ and identified the three fundamental liberties:

  1. The freedom of thought and emotion. This includes the freedom to act on such thought, i.e. freedom of speech.
  2. The freedom to pursue tastes (provided they do no harm to others), even if they are deemed “immoral”.
  3. The freedom to unite so long as the involved members are of age, the involved
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Response to Victor Madigral-Borloz of the UN

The response of Fair Cop to the call for inputs* by the UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

On 24th February 2023, the UN Independent Expert Victor Madigral-Borloz called for ‘inputs’ from ‘stakeholders’ to inform his visit to the UK from 24th April – 5 May 2023.

Fair Cop is a group of gender-critical lawyers, police officers, writers & professionals dedicated to upholding Articles 8-11 ECHR & removing politics from policing. It was founded in 2019. This response has been authored by Fair Cop member Sarah

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Non Crime Hate Incidents – Updated Guidance

Republished with permission from Non Crime Hate Incidents – Updated Guidance. by Sarah Phillimore

After the Court of Appeal ruled the existing guidance unlawful, the College of Policing promised to revise it. That revision was published today. Will it be enough to avoid my challenge via JR?

Sarah's tweets

On July 21st the College of Policing issued the revised ‘Hate Crimes’ Guidance or ‘Hate crime authorised professional practice’ (APP) which was made necessary by the decision of the Court of Appeal in December 2021 in Miller v College of Policing. The court determined that the previous guidance

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Being offensive is part of British culture, says free speech campaigner Harry Miller

Tweeting to roughly 900 people, Harry Miller used to think he had done well to receive five likes or a retweet. Two years and a High Court victory later, he is the unlikely hero of a growing free speech movement.

Read article: Being offensive is part of British culture, says free speech campaigner Harry Miller | News | The Times

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Ex-policeman wins appeal over ‘transphobic’ tweets

Judges yesterday ruled College of Policing guidelines on “hate incidents” had a “chilling effect” on freedom of expression. Harry Miller, who describes himself as “gender critical”, was visited at work by an officer when a member of the public alleged that he had posted “transphobic” tweets. The force recorded the complaint as a “non-crime hate incident”. Guidance for police says that it is “any non-crime incident which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to ­ be motivated by a hostility or prejudice”.

Read article: Ex-policeman wins appeal over ‘transphobic’ tweets | UK | News |

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One man’s campaign to protect free speech

Looking back at the article I wrote after speaking to Harry Miller in January 2019, I am struck by one of the things he said to me then, when I asked him if he would back down in the face of police challenge:

Free speech is a hill that we have to fight on. If we can’t express ourselves freely within the law, none of the other rights we have mean anything.

Harry Miller and his friends didn’t have to have that fight. But they did. They fought and they won. They corrected a wrong, and made public policy

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