This organisation appears to be unaccountable and has not responded, so far as we know, to any complaints or question about their behaviour.
We hope other people will complain. Please let us know what the outcome is. We think this is unacceptable behaviour from any organisation that promotes itself as connected with the police.
Some details omitted for clarity and brevity and to protect the personal details of the complainant.
*Which police force/organisation is your complaint about? Twitter account @LGBTpoliceuk
*What would you like to happen as a result of your complaint?
That any accounts on social media be maintained by named persons with accountability for content, that they be rigorously monitored for factual accuracy and lawful content. That thorough vetting procedures for social media employment appointments be undertaken and strict procedures be created for said appointees, to include disciplinary actions for failure to meet standards. That these standards should be made available for public scrutiny.
That the Twitter account @LGBTpoliceuk in particular be suspended pending investigation of any persons involved.
An acknowledgement that the public have lost confidence in the police to maintain standards of professional behaviour and by extension the agreement that the philosophy of “policing by common consent” has been severely damaged. That a commitment will be made to undertake thorough investigations of the undue influence of Stonewall and Stonewall’s values in often biased or incorrect interpretation of the law in police policies, management and workplace culture.
This influence has clearly pervaded and resulted in inaccurate and unlawful content on social media output, and I further request that these investigations be extended to cover all LGBTQ social media accounts affiliated/associated with the police.
Do you believe the incident you are complaining about involved discrimination? Discrimination refers to being treated differently because of who you are or because you possess certain characteristics. Please add an ‘X’ next to your answer.
X Yes
If you believe discrimination was involved in the incident you are complaining about, please mark one or more of the characteristics involved with an ‘X’.
Age Disability Gender / Gender reassignment Race Religion and belief Sexual orientation Other (please state below)
It is noteworthy and significant to the nature of this complaint that the vehicle for complaint, i.e. this form does not automatically include the protected characteristic of SEX included in the Equality Act 2010, but does include the category of gender above. Gender reassignment is indeed protected. Gender, which is an undefined, inner sense of one’s feelings, and changes according to one’s personality from person to person, or imposed by socially constructed stereotypical behaviours or beliefs, is not protected.
Do you know any details about the police officers/police staff involved in your complaint? Please provide the rank, number, first name(s) and/or last name(s) of the officer(s) below. describe themselves as a network, I would classify them as a political lobby group within the police force. Due to the relative anonymity of the twitter account of this political lobby group and in lieu of being unable to name the individual posting the harassing messages I have included the names of identifiable officers who, in a leadership capacity, ultimately are responsible for the output of this group’s social media content:
Chief Insp Lee Broadstock (Tameside) – Secretary of Det Chief Insp Clinton Blackburn – Co-chair of PC Amy Tapping – Co-chair of DC Tracy O’Hara – European Rep of Constable Al Smith – Trans Lead for
In addition, if none of the named persons above, ‘Anonymous’ person/s running the Twitter account @LGBTpoliceuk, and posting on their behalf.
Please note: when you are contacted about your complaint you will have the opportunity to describe any further witnesses.
Were there any witnesses?
The witnesses are; followers of the Twitter account and those responding to its output, some of whom can be found at the link:
Archived here:
Would you like to give us any other information? Please add any other relevant information below:
“He who controls the language, controls the masses”; Saul Alinsky 1909-1972, political theorist and community activist.
Why are / @LGBTpoliceuk bringing the Police into disrepute with Orwellian Policing of thoughts and opinions?
Moreover, the statement,” transwomen are women” (#TWAW) is an ideological assertion of indoctrination, with no basis in scientific fact. Note the equivalent acronym TMAM is not used so prevalently, underlining the fact that this is the language of a sexist transgender movement which seeks to undermine the rights of women and girls. This affects myself and all other women online as this rhetoric is used online by Trans Radical Activists along with abusive imagery intended to intimidate and frighten women. (See
The output of this Police account is being UNLAFUL with its propagandist statements
“We believe that trans men are men, trans women are women and non binary people are fabulous”. (Sic.)
Human Rights Act 1988, Article 10, Freedom of expression
“Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises”, 23February 2021 <>
UK Law, EA 2010 the terms transwoman and transman are not legally defined, the closest legal category is gender reassignment, as per section 7 of the EA 2010:
“A person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if the person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person’s sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex”.
According to section 9(1) of the GRA, an individual not in possession of a GRC remains the sex recorded at birth. Further, biological sex is unaffected by possession of a GRC.
The statements below (inserted picture files) directly harassing Twitter user @carolinefff in violation of her right to free speech and expression, following one of their (@LGBTpoliceuk) earlier posts.
Please address the following:
When did it become the purview of Police Officers and police affiliated social network accounts to harangue, intimidate, harass, make pronouncements and judgments regarding accepted biological fact and empirical evidence of millennia regarding natal birth sex of males and females?
”Our network in no way condones or supports any comments made from your account Caroline. We believe that trans men are men, trans women are women and non binary people are fabulous”. (Sic.)
“If Roberta’s daughter can speak about her without misgendering perhaps you can too”.
With regards to Summary Standards of professional behaviour, page 4of The Code Of Ethics
Extract below:
Click the left and right arrows to see the other images or click on an image to enlarge it.
Following and interspersed with these exchanges are responses (inserted picture file below) In no particular order but are representative of the majority view.
Further to the above incident the same account tweets/retweets/promotes other inaccurate, and/or inflammatory material which has not been fact checked and may also be unlawful in content, is labelling responses as “hateful comments”, or posting tweets/retweets which are lobbying or campaigning and therefore political in nature.
Click on an image to enlarge it.
Screenshot of the website making a complaint page (below), appears to be setting out their own rules/terms and remit of complaint; is this consistent with the rules/terms and remit of UK Police in general, or are have these been made more specific to / @LGBTpoliceuk, and such are they official Police policy regarding complaints procedures?
We want to make sure everyone has an equal chance to use and benefit from our services. To help us ensure we continue to do this, it would help us if you could answer the following questions. If you prefer, you do not have to answer these questions as it will not affect your complaint in any way.
The information provided in this form will be used by public bodies involved in the police complaints system, including the police and IOPC. You can find out how your personal information will be used in the privacy notices found on the website of each organisation.
Please mark all the answers that apply with a ‘X’.
Female Male Intersex Other (please give details)
What other sex is there? Humans are a dimorphic species. More gender ideology. How can you treat the concerns of, and danger to women and girls seriously if you subscribe to this nonsensical thinking?
Is your gender different to the gender you were assigned at birth?
Why is this question included?
Yes No Don’t know
If yes, please state the gender you were assigned at birth:
SEX is observed at birth and determined in-utero. No-one has a gender ‘assigned’ at birth, they are male or female.
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